
Seminar History

Some of the past lectures that Sydney has presented have video recordings that are viewable below. Some other lectures have powerpoint slides that can be downloaded below.

To find out more about Sydney’s upcoming CPD lectures, head to Upcoming CPD.

The Rights and Wrongs of Rights of Way

Sydney presented an online CPD seminar for the Television Education Network (TEN) on 23 February 2024 from 12:10 to 1:05 pm titled The Rights…

Stay, Just a Little Bit Longer: Was That a Termination?

Sydney presented a CPD seminar for Legalwise on 4 March 2024 from 9:55 to 10:45 am, titled Stay, Just a Little Bit Longer: Was…

Air Space Rights, Crane Swing, Rock Anchors and Scaffold Access

Sydney presented a CPD seminar for Legalwise on 6 March 2024 from 10:10 to 11:05 am, titled Air Space Rights, Crane Swing, Rock Anchors…

Litigating with Abandon

Sydney presented a CPD seminar for the Law Society of NSW on 19 March 2024 as part of its Property law: One day intensive…

Flight or Fight: Wondrous and Strange Remedies for Purchasers off-the-plan

Sydney presented a CPD seminar for BenchTV in late February 2024 titled Flight or Fight: Wondrous and Strange Remedies for Purchasers off-the-plan. The seminar explored several…

The good, the bad & the ugly: the doctrine of benefits & burdens in property law

Sydney presented a CPD seminar for UNSW Edge on 14th March 2024 titled “The good, the bad & the ugly: the doctrine of benefits…

Easement Essentials

Sydney presented 3 weekly 1-hour webinars starting Tuesday 23 July Live Online | On Demand Session 1: Strategies and Tactics Tuesday 23 July, 1.00pm…

Admissibility of Evidence through s 66G Applications

On 6 September, Sydney presented a CPD seminar for UNSW Edge titled Admissibility of evidence through the looking glass of Sec 66 G Applications…

No Transaction, Successful Transaction

On 29 August, Sydney presented a CPD seminar for Legalwise titled No Transaction, Successful Transaction. The presentation explored the distinction between ‘no transaction’ and…

Easement Essentials Series

In late July and early August, Sydney presented a series of three CPD seminars for Legalwise titled Easement Essentials. Each seminar focused on one of…

Notices to Complete and Perform: Making the Clock Tick Louder

Sydney presented a CPD seminar titled “Notices to Complete and Perform” on 14 June for Vincent Young. The presentation explored the requirements for valid…

The Intersection between Subdivision Law and Easements

Sydney presented a CPD seminar titled “The intersection between subdivision law and easements” on 8 June as part of the Legalwise Subdivision Law Intensive…

Damages for breach of contracts for the sale of land

Sydney presented a CPD seminar for UNSW Edge titled “Damages for breach of contracts for the sale of land” on 15 March. The presentation…

Make No Error – Rescission of contracts for the sale of land

Sydney presented a CPD seminar for the Law Society of NSW titled “Make No Error – Rescission from Contracts for the Sale of Land”…

Picking over the Bones of Recent Easement Cases

Sydney presented a CPD seminar for TEN (Television Education Network) on the 24th of February titled “Picking over the Bones of Recent Easement Cases”.   Easements…

Easement Essentials: Over Lunch, Over 3 Weeks

Sydney presented a series of three CPD seminars with Legalwise in October titled “Easement Essentials Series 2: Over Lunch, Over 3 Weeks”. Each seminar…

7 September: Dealing with Things Getting in the Way of Completion

Sydney presented a CPD seminar for Legalwise on 7 September 2022 from 10 am to 10:45 am titled “Dealing with Things Getting in the Way of…

August 2022: Bank Guarantees and Restraints of Trade (NSW Law Society)

Sydney presented a seminar on Bank Guarantees and Restraints of Trade on 4 August 2022 as part of the Law Society of NSW's Specialist...

February 2022: Easements (Sparke Helmore)

Sydney presented a consolidated version of his recent Legislative Webinar series on easements to the Sparke Helmore team on 23 February 2022. To see...

March 2022: Construction Law Symposium/Conveyancing Conference

During March, Sydney was invited to speak at two LegalWise conferences - the Construction Law Symposium and the Conveyancing Conference. At both conferences, he...

March 2022: NSW Property Law Conference

Sydney presented one of the sessions at TEN's annual NSW Property Law Conference titled "Recent Developments in NSW Easements and Restrictive Covenant Law". It...

March 2022: Admissibility of background evidence in contractual disputes

Sydney presented a seminar titled "Admissibility of background evidence/surrounding circumstances in contractual disputes" at the Law Society of NSW's seminar Contract Law Essentials. His...

February 2022: Advanced Evidence and Advocacy Master Class

Sydney presented a seminar titled "Ethics and Professional Responsibility - Implied Waiver of Privilege and Inadvertent Disclosure: Challenges for Practitioners" at Legalwise's Advanced Evidence...

October 2021: Easement Essentials Series (Legalwise)

Sydney delivered his annual Easement Essentials Series with Legalwise in October 2021. This was a three-part series exploring a variety of topics including: the ...

January 2022: Development Consents (TEN)

Sydney presented the session "Development Consents - Meaning, Interpretation and Effects" with Television Education Network on the 24th of January 2022. This lecture examines...