Selected Testimonials

Please note: all the testimonials below are authentic excerpts from emails Sydney received in his role as a legal counsel. For confidentiality, the identities of the original senders have been anonymised.


Sydney, one of the perils of doing excellent work is that it makes things look, in retrospect, easier than they were.  I want to thank you, and to assure you that [Clients] and I are cognisant of the depth of knowledge and experience which goes into making it look easy, and we are grateful for your assiduous attention to the matter, even unto a weekend teleconference.  Thank you. I have enjoyed working with you, and I hope you will understand that, notwithstanding, I am not looking forward to another such high-stakes contract dispute.  Perhaps I will hear your dulcet tones on another CLE while I am mowing.

– Instructing Solicitor


Thanks for your time and assistance today and over the past months in relation to this matter. I have appreciated your involvement and expertise very much. I believe the clients have also.

– Instructing Solicitor


Sydney, thanks for your assistance this week, it’s been a big week and we appreciate your help.

– Instructing Solicitor


Dear Sydney, I am pleased to report that the parties have signed the Deed of Settlement. Thank you for your instructive and very helpful involvement.

– Instructing Solicitor


Dear Sydney, Thanks so much for your work. I don’t think we could have done it without your input.

– Clients


Dear Sydney, thanks kindly for all your patience and late nights on this matter. We couldn’t have gotten to where we did without your guidance and input.

– Instructing Solicitor


Syd, thank you for standing by us through our ordeal with the neighbours!

– Clients