August 2022: Bank Guarantees and Restraints of Trade (NSW Law Society)

Sydney presented a seminar on Bank Guarantees and Restraints of Trade on 4 August 2022 as part of the Law Society of NSW's Specialist...

February 2022: Easements (Sparke Helmore)

Sydney presented a consolidated version of his recent Legislative Webinar series on easements to the Sparke Helmore team on 23 February 2022. To see...

March 2022: Construction Law Symposium/Conveyancing Conference

During March, Sydney was invited to speak at two LegalWise conferences - the Construction Law Symposium and the Conveyancing Conference. At both conferences, he...

March 2022: NSW Property Law Conference

Sydney presented one of the sessions at TEN's annual NSW Property Law Conference titled "Recent Developments in NSW Easements and Restrictive Covenant Law". It...

March 2022: Admissibility of background evidence in contractual disputes

Sydney presented a seminar titled "Admissibility of background evidence/surrounding circumstances in contractual disputes" at the Law Society of NSW's seminar Contract Law Essentials. His...

February 2022: Advanced Evidence and Advocacy Master Class

Sydney presented a seminar titled "Ethics and Professional Responsibility - Implied Waiver of Privilege and Inadvertent Disclosure: Challenges for Practitioners" at Legalwise's Advanced Evidence...

October 2021: Easement Essentials Series (Legalwise)

Sydney delivered his annual Easement Essentials Series with Legalwise in October 2021. This was a three-part series exploring a variety of topics including: the ...

January 2022: Development Consents (TEN)

Sydney presented the session "Development Consents - Meaning, Interpretation and Effects" with Television Education Network on the 24th of January 2022. This lecture examines...